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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  October 14, 2017 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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hello, everyone, it's 11:00 on the east coast. welcome, i'm fredricka whitfield. we begin with wildfires still raging in california this morning. take a look at this shocking rescue. >> where are you at? >> here! come on! screw your shoe! come on. she's disabled. >> all right, all right. let me get her feet. let me get her feet. >> her husband's right behind you. >> sheriff wants to do a carry out. >> ready? >> hold on, hold on, hold up. house on fire. let's go. got to get her up. got to get her up. okay, hold on. there we go. okay. watch your leg. watch your leg. watch your leg. watch your leg. watch your leg. sir! you got -- >> wow, see the urgency in rescuing a disabled person while the threat of fire looms there. right now more than 20 million
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people are under a dangerous red flag fire warning. this comes as more than 20 active wildfires are scorching the state. so far 36 people are dead and more than 200 others remain unaccounted for. this stunning dash cam footage capturing the dire situation right there in sonoma county, deputies driving through walls of flames as trees are engulfed in fire there. cnn national correspondent ryan young is in santa rosa, so, ryan, what are you seeing there right now? >> well, the situation really has changed. we've been up since about 1:00 a.m. and as we were driving into several different locations we started noticing a fire in the distance and actually had to move in the last 20 minutes or so because we wanted to show you what everyone's dealing with here and this kind of shows you just how much smoke when you're talking about the red flag conditions. before this was a small fire on the side of the mountain. in fact, we couldn't even see it with our camera and other the last few hours it's grown larger
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and larger and larger, and you can see the smoke plume that is now heading back towards all the places where people live here and we talked about this today, the conditions we're going to be challenging for firefighters because of the fact that the winds were going to be 20 to 40 miles per hour. it was going to be the day that weather was going to provide a challenge to firefighters. in fact, 8,000 firefighters are fighting this, all the fires. of course, you talked about there are more than 17 fires out there, and when you put the fact the firefighters are trying to do their best with this, but then you see this sort of grow right before our eyes and the fact we've been told more evacuations are going on as we speak. trying to get residents out of the way of fires burning just like this one and we're in a neighborhood right now where the entire neighborhood is gone. this is the third or fourth neighborhood that we've been in that's just like this one. so it shows you the challenge the firefighters have to deal with. add to the fact 36 people have already died and this is the deadliest fire in the california history. you see the challenges that
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everyone's facing. in fact, cops have been around us all morning long making sure they secure these areas, not letting residents back in. of course, so many people want to see their homes, but at the same time they are trying to make sure the situation is safe, and when you look back this direction and just see the challenges they are facing, there's nothing they can do with that. in fact, we've seen helicopters fly in and try to drop water on it, but this has been the challenge all week long when you watch that video of those police officers trying to go in and save someone, we've talked to people who said when they realize that a fire was coming toward their home, they had less than five minutes to get out. one lady told us last night she was terrified, her husband ran for the car, they were barely able to get their dog out. we hear stories like that over and over again from people who are still terrified by the idea not only has their home burned down, but the fires continue and they are not sure if they'll have to move again. >> oh, my gosh. ryan, you talk about some people who want to go back, you know, to areas where the fire's already swept through, but when you talk about evacuations, you
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look at that amazing imagery of rescuers trying to get a disabled person out, at the same time you see other video of them driving through walls of fire. in those areas that still need to be evacuated, how in the world are people able to get through if you see firefighters going through walls of fire in their vehicles? >> well, this is the one thing that we've noticed over and over. we had that outbreak on sunday where the fire was moving with heavy winds 60 to 70 miles per hour. what you do have is, and i'm going to turn this direction, that's a house right here. right in front of us, that's where a house was on that hill. that house is gone and that repeats itself, i think, 55 times just in the stretch we are in around us. but there are homes that made it. you can see where the wind pushed the fire from treetops over the street on to the next house and then the idea is people did evacuate, so when you add all that together, people are worried. they are not even sure if their home burned down or survived.
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you can understand why they are upset and wanting to know more information but right now they can't. >> ryan young, we'll check back with you, thank you so much. again, 36 people thus far dead and more than 200 others still unaccounted for. deputy fire chief scott mcclain joining me right now on the phone. so, chief, what are you up against to try to further contain these fires? >> well, let's discuss what happened earlier this morning, the nun fire, the fire increased to the north/northwest, just north of highway 12. unfortunately, due to the wind conditions and the type of fuels, those winds are causing that fire to be very erratic, going in several different directions. the winds constantly change direction in that area. giving you insight on that, that area has been evacuated this morning early. down on the lower part of the fire on the southwest side
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towards the community of sonoma, that fire has come out and burned roughly 300 acres. at this point in time the winds are pushing this fire on the outskirts of sonoma, so it's not heading into town. there has been damage on the perimeter, but right now it's moving in a south/southeasterly de direction. a lot of resources, very flexible, a lot of resources left. as soon as these start to develop, strike team after strike team go by on highway 12, whole base camp pretty much emptied out with all the equipment and resources here. 8:00 this morning, which is now, we have air attack up on these fires getting height on them. still behind me i can see the smoke developing on the perimeters. we'll have aircraft up. we have ground resources in there fighting the fire right now. >> oh, my gosh. chief, that's extraordinary. unbelievable conditions, and you talk about, you know, the wind conditions and the constant
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change and how flexible your teams have to be. the strike teams that you're using over and over again. you know, in waves. you mentioned the air assets. particularly when you have the density of, you know, of smog and smoke in the air, you've got these wind conditions, how are you using the air assets? >> the air assets are available. we have on all the fires in california right now, just to give you a picture, over 70 helicopters are available. on the fire i mentioned, there's roughly upwards almost to 20 helicopters that are going to be used on the fire to the north. pocket fire, which is very aggressive, definitely not as big. however, can't take the chance it could break out, as well. we have over 12 helicopters on that. air tankers, give you something for perspective, 747, two dc 10s, and i believe between nine and 13 large air tankers lying out in sacramento to these
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fires. they've pumped record amounts of retardant so far yesterday. well, well over 330,000 gallons. that's just one air attack base. that's not to mention any of the others in the state that we're using. >> you are doing extraordinary work. quickly before i let you go, we saw images of controlled burns. explain briefly to those unparticular how you're able to use the control burns to your advantage. >> control burns we're discussing back fires. they are not -- anyway, we'll leave that, but backfires are where we use fire to fight fire. we take that fuel out ahead of where that fire is heading to, so it's a common tool, but it's a process. make sure it's going to work, make sure what kind of weather we're dealing with, what the weather is in the future, so there's a lot of variables and we need to make sure before we put the fire on the ground. >> all right, amazing work you're doing, scott mclean, wishing you the best, of course.
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thank you so much. all right, still ahead. after five years in captivity, a couple walks free and now they are speaking out about what happened while under hostage by the taliban. that's next. she's nationally recognized
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the stupidity and evil of the haqqani networks engaged in helping ordinary villagers in taliban-controlled regions of afghanistan was eclipsed only by the stupidity and evil of authorizing the murder of my infant daughter. >> canadian joshua boyle there upon his release after being held captive in afghanistan and now this disturbing claim by him and the family after being held by the taliban for five years. joshua boyle, along with his american wife caitlan coleman and their three children, all of whom were born while in captivity, arrived safely in
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canada last night. boyle told reporters in toronto that his kidnappers authorized the killing of one of his children and raped his wife. cnn international correspondent paula newton joins me now with more on this. paula, you spoke with boyle's father, as well. what did he say? >> well, he eluded to a little bit of this and what he really knew from speaking to his son on the phone was that he was incredibly angry and wanted to get the true story out. what's that mean? even on proof of life videos, fred, caitlan coleman, his american wife, eluded to the fact she was defiled in front of her children. he wanted to make clear his wife was severely abused by his captors and also eluded to what they were describing as a forced abortion. you know, fred, we don't have any more details than that and joshua boyle's family only spoken to him a couple times on the phone and now he's been on the ground less than about 12 hours. they are sleeping right now at their family home, at the
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boyle's home, trying to get much-needed rest, but, fred, there are still a lot of questions here about what went on during those five years. and this is a family still trying to cope with so much. and i want to point out, fred, the family of caitlan coleman hasn't said much. caitlan coleman herself has not said a lot. she's not spoken to many people and not said much at all in the phone calls and she did not appear at the airport, but caitlan coleman's family, her father, spoke to abc news and really voiced what a lot of people had on their minds, why did you take a pregnant woman into that area in the first place. he described it as unconscionable and the point here, fred, is that they will face a lot of questions now that they have returned from security forces. fred? >> so it all began, for those just getting wind of this, joshua boyle and caitlan while she was pregnant going hiking outside of kabul, afghanistan, and then from there they become hostage over a five-year period. it is a very complicated story,
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and many have many questions about exactly what transpired, how they were captured, and what led to the eventual release. paula, as you learn more, thank you so much for bringing it to us. paula newton in ottawa. all right, congress will now have to take up the task of what to do with the iran nuclear agreement. president trump declined to recertify the deal friday, saying iran is no longer in compliance with the agreement negotiated by the obama administration. trump said he may go even further by at least a step if necessary. >> mr. president, do you expect you're going to rip the iran deal up as part of the worst ever? >> well, i may do that. i may do that. the deal is terrible, so what we've done is through the certification process, we'll have congress take a look at it and i may very well do that, but i like a two-step process much better. >> iran responded by saying any action against the deal is, quote, a strategic mistake and
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would draw a strong and unified reciprocal reaction. i want to bring in military and diplomatic analyst john kirby, also the former state department spokesperson and cnn global affairs correspondent elise labbot. good to see both of you. john, you first. trump says it's terrible and that iran has multiple violations, but from what perspective is that true? >> well, actually, from no perspective is that true. i mean, actually, iran is complying with the deal as the international atomic energy association has now certified since it went into effect. they do this every quarter. they are in compliance with the deal, and it's important for people to understand that the deal was about their nuclear program. not all the other destabilizing activities that we know they continue to conduct. there are sanctions in place, multilateral sanctions, as well as u.s. sanctions and other things that we can do to deal with that destabilizing
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activity. their support for terrorism, for instance, but the deal as it was designed is working. they have destroyed more than 13,000 centrifuges, dismantled their heavy water reactor, 97% of their enriched uranium is now gone. what was two to three-month breakout time before the deal is now more than a year and will be so for ten years coming. so there's nothing factual when the president says they are not in compliance with the deal. >> so, elise, other countries in this deal are imploring the u.s. not to propose any changes, because in so doing would mean effectively that the u.s. has breached the deal. so how might this impact how potentially, say, north korea interprets the u.s. influence or even isolation globally? >> well, it's really interesting that all of the countries that were parties to the deal have come out and said we're not open for renegotiation and now countries like france, britain, germany are lobbying congress not to reimpose sanctions. they've already kind of bypassed
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the administration and now know this sits with congress because they want to keep the europeans onboard. they want to go after that other destabilizing behavior, but nobody wants to reopen the agreement, and the message that people are saying, not only u.s. officials, but also allies and, you know, members of congress are saying the message it sends to north korea is why would north korea get into an agreement with the united states is the u.s. isn't going to stand by its agreements, and that also kind of leaves the door open. you're not going to sign an agreement with the u.s., whether it's north korea, whether it's naft thit's nafta, whether it's the paris climate change agreement, it the u.s. isn't a reliable ally, and that kind of leaves a vacuum for other chris to fill and the fear is those will be countries like russia and china. so it's not just about this deal, which everybody is concerned about, but the wider kind of u.s. reputation around
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the world that the u.s. could find itself isolated. >> and in step with that, "the washington post" reported yesterday senator bob corker commented that trump's biggest challenge may be that he, quote, has castrated his secretary of state rex tillerson, so, john, you were at the state department. is that the view inside washington, and is that a serious concern? >> i think it is a view by many inside washington, not just bob corker, and i think it is a valid concern. look, the white house will tell you, particularly with this north korea business and, you know, his tweet about, hey, rex, don't worry about negotiation, we're zbiegoing to take care of. some will tell you that was malice of forethought, the president believed by saying something like that he was helping pressurize the atmosphere for tillerson to get the chinese, to get the north kor koreaens to the negotiation table. if they believe that, but i don't think it's going to work that way. bullying and threats don't work in that part of the world, certainly, and not going to work
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with the chinese. i also don't think secretary tillerson has, quite frankly, done favors in the way he's been managing the state department and not really leading assertively. not really leading assertively, he still has many positions at the state department unfilled. he has presided over resource cuts at the state department. he's not exactly been a strong advocate for assertive foreign diplomacy, foreign policy. >> is it the case those vacancies, not being able to fill the positions is really at the direction of the president, that, you know, the secretary's, you know, hands are tied as it pertains to trying to hire people? >> i know there's been some tension over that, but again, you don't see him really making the case for his department as much as he should. i don't think he's done himself any great favors as secretary of state. that said, i do agree that the president's tweets and some of the comments that he's made, even if he thinks he's doing one thing, are having an opposite effect, they are not helping secretary tillerson's credibility on the world stage and not making it easier for
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other people in other parts of the world to take us seriously, to take him seriously, as our chief diplomat. >> elise? >> well, i agree. look, you can't undermine your secretary of state, and that's what i think bob corker was saying. look, part of this is president trump, and he had this, you know, kind of tensions with secretary tillerson after the whole nbc story that he called the president a moron and such, but this is not the first time that he's undermined his secretary of state. the secretary of state is out in the gulf trying to arrange some kind of diplomacy with qatar and saudi arabia and the uae and he'll, you know, tweet one thing that's completely opposite of what his secretary of state is doing, and i think he might think there's kind of a good cop, bad cop thing going on, but typically these policy positions are, you know, very carefully calibrated between the president and his national security team, and everybody needs to be on the same page. i think everybody would like to say they are on the same page, but you have varying policy
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views between the administration, and that's fine, that's, you know, good for a robust policy debate before the policy is made, but once a policy is made, everybody needs to get onboard, and that includes the president. if he's going to sign off on a policy. >> another example of that most recently undermining while in beijing, rex tillerson seeing, and the world seeing the tweet from the president saying don't waste your time on all that talk. all right, elise labbot, john k kirby, thanks so much. on the same day the president decertified or wouldn't recertify the iran deal, he took another major issue into his own hands, health care. details on the executive order, the impact on americans, and why republicans aren't convinced that it was the right move. stay with us. is . ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ well i'm gone ♪ can i kick it?
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all right, welcome back. the president just arriving at the trump national golf course in sterling, virginia. he spent the last couple of days taking aim at his predecessor's legacy. the fate of the iran agreement is now unclear and so is the future of obamacare. trump dealt a potentially major blow to the affordable care act after he signed an executive order taking away subsidies that help lower-income americans afford health care. cnn's boris sanchez joining us now at the white house. president is also tweeting today
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about health care and what else is he up to? >> hey there, fred. as you say, the president arriving a short while ago in sterling, virginia. he's accompanied by south carolina senator lindsey graham. it's actually the second time in less than a week the two of them have spent at a trump golf property. likely one of the parts of the conversation they are going to be having today has to do with health care, as you said earlier today, the president tweeted about his executive order that he signed on thursday. he writes, "very proud of my executive order, which will allow greatly expanded access and far lower costs for health care. millions of people benefit." that executive order aimed at allowing association health plans to take hold. people banding together, small businesses banning together to get more affordable plans. it also allows for greater flexibility when it comes to short-term health insurance plans, but simultaneously the
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president is also cutting subsidies to lower income americans who rely on those subsidies to pay for health insurance. so that puts a lot of pressure on the health insurance markets, because with fewer customers, insurance companies are likely to raise rates, even to leave certain markets altogether. several organizations, some 20 health care organizations, have come out expressing criticism about the executive order, including the american cancer society, the national governors association has also spoken out against the cuts to subsidies, as well as some democrats, including democratic leadership in congress, chuck schumer and nancy pelosi putting out a statement calling the executive order spiteful and cruel. keep in mind, fred, he is going to need their help to bring about any profound change to the affordable care act, after republicans twice failed in the senate to get even a simple majority. so the president is not only putting pressure on health insurance markets, but also on
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congress to get something done at a time when congress already has its hands full. remember, lawmakers have only about 60 days to determine what they will do with sanctions related to iran and the iran nuclear deal. as they are also trying to get things like tax reform done, so an even busier agenda ahead for congress. fred? >> all right, boris, we'll check back with you, thank you so much. let's talk more about all of this now, the president's executive order attempting to dismantle obamacare and more. joining me to discuss is cnn political analyst and historian and professor at princeton university. also with me, david swirlick, assistant editor for "the washington post." good to see you both. >> good morning. >> julian, you first. republicans couldn't pass a bill to repeal and replace obamacare many times over, but the president is using this executive power to tear it down, as he says, step by step. so the more one thinks about it, is it really the objective of
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the president to eventually work with those on capitol hill to craft something, or is it this is a precursor to potentially more executive orders to potentially chip away at the aca? >> it might be his ambition to eventually work with congress, but this isn't going to help. he's, obviously, burning bridges with the democratic party by taking steps like this, and he's causing so much chaos for the republican party that their heads are spinning and it's hard for them to really imagine getting back on track with an agenda. so other than repeal, there's not going to be a replace, and i think that's the big danger of the steps that he's taking. >> so, david, trump says millions will be helped. so what is this based on, if some premiums under aca with the removal of these subsidies will go from, what, $255 a year for some cases and without the subsidies now potentially going up to premiums of $3,600 a year.
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>> yeah, fred, i mean, he tweeted this morning that premiums would be going down and coverage would be expanded, or something to that effect, but if that could be done with a stroke of a pen, someone would have already done that. congress would have already taken that approach. it's not that simple. >> the tweet this morning, millions will be helped. but when you look at those numbers, i mean, how is it? it seems as though people will, over time, not be able to afford those premiums. millions of people will benefit according to his tweet, what is that based on? >> yeah, so i think what the president wants to put out there and what republicans to an extent want to put out there is this idea that with the new rule making he's done with this executive order, that independent contractors or small business people will be able to buy these association health plan type plans across state lines, plans that might be cheaper for them, that might allow them to sort of pool together to get into cheaper programs.
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the problem is, most experts will say, many cases they fear these plans will be plans that are cheaper because they don't cover as much and they will also drive healthier people to the cheap plans and sicker people into the obamacare plans, which will have a negative effect on these obamacare plans and ultimately destabilize the health care market overall. again, i think it's a situation where if it was as simple as the president was trying to portray it, that this would have already been done legislatively, as julian said a moment ago, i do think that the president likes the idea of being able to get things done with executive orders, but the more he does it, the harder it will be to get things done with congress down the road, including tax reform, which you can't do by executive order. the president can't say taxes are coming down by signing a document. you've got to have legislation. >> right, and, david, if the plan is aca is worsened as a result of all of these changes, executive order et cetera, who gets the blame on this? the president seems to believe
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it's the democrats and the obama administration, but would that really be the case? >> well, as long as obamacare is not fully repealed, i think the president will try to put the message out there, as he has already that any problems that people see with rising premiums or less access to care is a result of obamacare. the problem is that when the republicans control the white house and both houses of congress, a fix in their view is within their power completely. they don't actually need democrats, and so it's a little hollow to say this is a problem of president obama or democrats, because they don't control anything at this point. >> quickly, julian, is the president eventually hoping to forge a relationship with members of congress? we see he's going golfing today with senator lindsey graham. might he be able to count on them for his tax reform plans? >> no. i really don't think he's forging a relationship with members of congress. the record is now too clear. he's broken relations with both republicans and democrats. he might reach out to individual members, but congress doesn't
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work through individual members. it's a collective body. you need a majority in the house and you need a sizable number in the senate. he discovered with the repeal and replace legislation that if you don't have that kind of relationship, legislation failed. so he's setting himself up for failure on the legislative front and i think he's going to bet everything he has on presidential power. >> all right, julian, david, thank you so much. >> thanks, fred. >> thank you. okay, so it's been three weeks now. three weeks since puerto rico was slammed by hurricane maria, and still 85% of the island's residents, at least, are living without power. we'll take you there live next. . blasting 530 cubic feet of air per minute. powered by the industry's most advanced lithium ion battery technology. and now, introducing the new ego backpack blower. delivering the power of gas... without the noise, fuss or fumes
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away, about 30 miles or so away, you're looking at live images right now in sonoma county, where firefighters there are also coming up with their strategy on how to best contain the blaze there. they've got, of course, you know, groups on the ground who are trying to battle the blaze by the use of controlled fires in some cases, and they are also thinking about aerial assault. so, all of that taking place as the fires continue to rage there in california. meantime, problems continue to deepen in puerto rico. water is a basic necessity of life, but in puerto rico clean water is a rare commodity. cnn has learned that drinking water is being dumped from a hazardous waste site on some locations there, and then add to that a recovery process that is progressing, but not nearly fast enough. laila santiago has the latest on the crisis from puerto rico.
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>> reporter: new numbers today indicate still 85% of the island without power and still a third without clean water to drink, and this comes as cnn learns that water authorities, at least in one part of the island, in the interior of the island, are pumping water out of a federally designated hazardous waste site. drinking water coming from a hazardous waste site. puerto ricans are still oftentimes pulling water from mountainsides just to be able to take a bath, to cook with some sort of water, because water is still a big problem here. now, this comes as president trump calls recovery efforts here that of a great job. again, still a third of the island without water, and that is why speaker of the house paul ryan yesterday used some strong words saying that this is a humanitarian disaster. he said puerto rico is in crisis mode, and that the aid package that was passed just days ago
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was not expected to be the last one. more delegations are expected to visit puerto rico next week, including the secretary of housing and urban development, dr. ben carson. the government officials here in puerto rico say it is very important for the lawmakers over there, the leaders, the officials, to continue seeing the devastation on this island firsthand. leyla santiago, cnn, san juan, puerto rico. the las vegas sheriff holds an emotional news conference defending his department's investigation into the deadliest mass shooting in u.s. history, all while the timeline of events changes.
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welcome back. nearly two weeks after the most lethal shooting massacre in modern american history, authorities in las vegas are still trying to answer basic questions about when the killings started and why and how it stopped. our brian todd has been following the story. >> reporter: in an emotional and at times combative news conference, the las vegas sheriff once again revised his story on how the las vegas massacre went down. defending his previous timeline as the result of a complex investigation and not incompetence. >> the word incompetence has been brought forward, and i am absolutely offended with that characterization. this is a very dynamic event. very big event. thousands of people involved. humans involved in documentation.
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>> reporter: police now say they believe hotel security guard happened upon stephen paddock around the same time paddock began shooting on the crowd at the route 91 harvest festival on october 1st, not six minutes before it began, as the sheriff had said >> mr. campos received his wounds in close proximity to 22:05. >> campos encounter with the shooter may have led police to paddock much sooner. that's because he tried to enter the floor from the staircase. only to find it had been barricaded. >> he screwed the stairwell shut. >> he knew we would be coming out that door to gain entry to his door. >> campos was forced to take another route to the 32nd floor,
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and once in the hallway, the shooter opened fire. >> new information from the sheriff on paddock's tactics. the killer turned his guns away from concert goers, when he saw police arriving. >> it is readily apparent to me that he adjusted his fire and directed it toward the police vehicles. >> with tears welling in his eyes. >> excuse me. >> sheriff lombardo said his officers rushed to the scene and were trying to save lives. >> brady received four separate gunshot wounds. the reason i bring this one up. he asked me if i could go back to work today. >> the biggest mystery surrounding the worst mass shooting in modern history continues to swirl. >> to me, the biggest mystery is the motive, it's just very odd we don't know why. when we look at not just mass shootings, but anything, we
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generally know what the motive is fairly quickly. and the mystery to me is that here we are almost two weeks out, and we have no idea why this guy did this. i think he didn't want us to know the motive. otherwise we would have found it out by now. >> investigators are still doggedly trying to piece that together. the sheriff saying they're trying to establish a time line of stephen paddock's life and everyone he was ever associated with. >> a significant change in the las vegas shooting time line. the sheriff saying there was no six minute gap between the first shots fired and a hotel security guard and the concert massacre. let's discuss all this with steve moore, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> it's been 13 days since the shooting and we're getting a new version of the time line, how unusual or alarming is it to you
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that officials would have to change the time lines or sequence of events? >> it's really not that unusual to be reviewsing things as you go along. there's three types of evidence you get in these types of cases. number one is someone's recollection, you get that immediately, usually when the sounds of gunfire are still going on. the next thing you get is a written record. the last thing you're going to get is the electronic record, which is usually the authoritative record, and the one that's going to conflict with the other two. memory is not as good as writing it down, and writing it down is not as good as an electronic record. you. >> heard in the piece there, the motive, still unclear the motive behind this shooter. in your view, does coming up with an accurate time line help eventually reveal a potential motive? >> well, it does in the way that -- for instance, when he
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encountered the security guard, that triggered his firing, then he stopped and he stopped when the police came. i believe he had two phases of his attack, the first one was to kill as many people as he could right at the beginning, but the second phase was, he was going to engage the police and he set up a trap, a shooting zone. i think if they hadn't blown the door off the way they had, he would have executed. >> the change comes after mgm who owns the hotel and concert venue, released a statement saying in were only 40 seconds between shots fired on the security guard and concert goers. here's the statement on the time line. we're confident the time stated in this report is not accurate.
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we know shots were being fired at the same time or within 40 seconds after jesus compos reported shots were fired at the mgm. the owner of a venue that has its own cameras and method of investigation. how often does that come together to come up with something more concrete? >> it's almost always. when there's a mass attack, you're going to end up going back to camera footage, audiotapes and things like that, who has those, those belong to the mgm. mgm is going to have the information before sheriff lombardo does. and i sympathize with his frustration and emotion, i understand it.
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>> steve moore, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> we have so much more straight ahead in the newsroom, stay with us. having moderate to severe plaque psoriasis is not always easy. it's a long-distance run. and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. humira works inside the body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just four months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal, infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where
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thank you so much for being with me. this saturday, i'm fredricka whitfield. we're continuing to follow breaking news out of colorado. several thousand people are being evacuated in santa rosa. . this video coming from kgo and you're looking at sonoma county, this is how firefighters are trying to examine the terrain, where people live, and where they do business. you can see with that mapping, you see street names. all of that is underneath this billowing smoke there as they zoom in on active flames and the fire underway there in sonoma


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